I was about to start this off by saying, “Hope y’all are enjoying this second weekend of Quarantine!”, but I honestly can’t remember if it’s the second or third week! I’m sure most of you can relate when I say that my concept of time or what day it has completely gone to poop. Regardless, I hope y’all are finding ways to enjoy this slower time with your family.
When I mentioned our new family schedule, a mention didn’t seem to be good enough since about every third DM on Instagram was but can we see the schedule? I want to see it, please! So, below I dropped in our “new normal” schedule. While I know that this has become a slower paced life for a lot of people, our life is pretty much the exact same since we both worked from home prior to this pandemic. So, Mike and I are super lucky to continue business as usual with both of our jobs but without any childcare for our three young kids – which makes things basically impossible for us!
Last Wednesday night a schedule was born.
We’ve followed this schedule for a whoppin’ two days (we aren’t following the schedule on weekends except snacks and quiet time stay the same) and I must say, it’s helped tremendously. Like, instantly made life easier for all of us. It’s very nice to not have to ask each other if we can go do a task, which is what was happening pre-schedule. Mike and I were kind of bumping heads a bit throughout the day because both of us had to get stuff done and trying to explain to the other why our task was important. With the schedule in place all of that is gone, we know what is happening, when it’s happening, and who is in charge of which meal and which snack. Basically, if it falls within your non-working time block- you make the meal!

So, in case it’s not clear, we flip flop who makes breakfast, Mike makes morning snack and lunch for the kids since those fall in the middle of my work block, and I have afternoon snack and dinner while Mike works.
The best part?… my kids don’t ask for snacks unless it’s 10:30 or 3:30. ISN’T THAT AMAZING?! They stopped asking as soon as they realized that they are for sure getting their two snacks, it’s like seeing it written out helped assured them that it’s coming and they stopped worrying about it.
Snack Basket: We don’t do this but wanted to throw the idea out since it was recommended by a few of y’all. I saw it going horribly wrong for my kids, but the concept is that you have a basket and fill it with the kids snacks for the day. They can help themselves to any snacks at any time but when they are out they are done for the day. I see this working beautifully for kids who are a little older than mine but Von would eat all of his in four minutes and then be ticked the entire day that he has no more snacks and Berkley would hoard hers, never eat them, and be super cranky. I already know that it would be a dismal failure and I don’t have time to “train” them or work through low blood sugar meltdowns, lol!
Next up- Online learning resources for children. I’ve listed some of our personal favorites as well as included some of the things y’all recommended in stories! Thanks so much for all of your suggestions as we are always looking for new entertainment ourselves!
Minno TV: Starting with this first because it doesn’t really fit into a category since it’s a streaming service. It used to be JellyTelly but it’s a channel with only Christian tv shows for kids! Basically a curated YouTube channel but with all different shows that are all Christian based, Veggie Tales etc. My kids love this channel and I love that I can throw it on and walk away because I know it is ALL Mom approved. They are offering a one week free trial.
Kids Learning Tube: Von’s go-to for memorizing Geography
Rock n Learn: Spanish, sight words, letters, all things!
It’s OK to be smart: Science videos
Cincinnati Zoo is doing home safari videos each day introducing certain animals and facts
Liberty Kids: History videos (animated)
Mystery Doug: Short five minute videos for elementary age kiddos
Crash Course Kids: Science videos
Brain Games (A Von favorite)
Magic School Bus (my kids also dig this old classic)
Story Bots (Dancing)
Word Party: For younger kiddos!
The Who Was? Show: Von loves this but I would say that this is for kids who are a little older, maybe 8+? The show is funny sketches and skits about historical figures.
If I were an Animal
Dream Big
Brainchild (I haven’t watched an entire episode of this series yet but I did start the one episode called social media and I feel like this is more for older kiddos… but maybe I’m just a little more conservative. I didn’t love some of the things they were saying, “OH MY GOD” just annoying over dramatic slang that my son would 100% copy (lol) . BUT I started a few others just to see if they were all like that and they weren’t! I loved them! Will be showing this series to Von and just skipping the social media episode.)
Bill Nye the Science Guy (Another Von Favorite)
OddSquad (A Von Favorite)
Creative Galaxy
Wild About Animals
Two Worlds
Wild America
Ocean Mysteries
Super Structures of the World
The Science of Secrecy
Children Of The World Series
DrawMe A Story Series
Animal Encyclopedia
They also have “learn spanish” videos for kids!
PBS Kids:
Sid the Science Kid
Molly of Denali
Ready Jet Go!
Reading Rainbow
Wild Kratts
Peg + Kat
Also streams Odd Squad
Word World
Online resources for homeschooling:
Learn with Homer App that helps teach all things reading! (Click through this link to get a free month trail)
Kahn Academy (Free for all grade levels!)
BrainPop (Free/ Offering a free for 30 days trial)
Beast Academy (Online math programs but not free)
Scholastic (FREE!)
ABC Mouse (Currently offering annual subscription for half price)
Adventure Kids: Same creators of ABC mouse but for older children (Offering first month FREE)
Teachers Pay Teachers (for printable worksheets and activities, some are free)
123homeschool4me.com (free printables!)
Chess.com For people who want to play chess 🙂
Prodigymath.com (Not free, about $5 a month)
PBSKids : This is more of a just for fun games website but I feel like it’s very G and kid friendly!
If you click HERE it will take you to the HOMESCHOOL page here on my website where all of my blog posts with educational toys, games, and resources are saved and easy to find and shop!
Thanks to all who sent in some suggestions! Hope this list brings your kids so new entertainment! Stay safe, everyone!