About Jennifer Todryk
Hey there! I’m Jenn.

Things get a little loud and chaotic over here from time to time. I blame the three child beasts ... and Mike is loud too. But, I hope to bring you nothing but happiness, inspiration, good home decor and only the comfiest clothing recommendations because, who really enjoys pants .... ? And most importantly a good laugh. I hope you laugh a lot… even if it’s at my expense.

- Jennifer
August 29, 2019 | TV Show


by Jennifer

I’m sitting here almost at a loss of words, which literally
never happens to me. I may stutter, talk so fast that I spit on people, I been
known to mispronounce things from time to time…. but I ALWAYS have all the

Let’s start with facts…

I have been green-lighted, signed my official contract, began production, all the things for a tv show centered around my life and home renovation on a major home and decorating television network. I can’t tell you the network, but it’s the one that you’re probably thinking about right now.


Just kidding, this is no big deal. I’m not freaking out,
you’re freaking out…

desk to scream in a pillow*

I hate to be vague but I can’t give any major details just yet. I will be able to spill all the tea once we are closer to air time in a few months, but for now I am just happy to be able to share ANY news with you! This has been in the works since April 2018, y’all. Mike tried to blow my cover a few times on IG stories but I have been pretty lip locked about it, which was crazy hard considering that I put a ton of my life on the internet and this was one of the most exciting things I’ve been up to.

While all of this could go away at any given second (I do have a contract and show slotted but the network can always pull the plug at any time) I wanted to open up and let y’all in on this journey rather than keep it a secret out of fear of “failure”. If this show takes off and has an killer first season, AWESOME, if for some reason it ends, that’s fine too. I believe that everything does happen for a reason and everything has already been planned out for me anyways, I’m just along for the ride 😉 I am just ready for y’all to be a part of it and watch the process from the very beginning. I can’t WAIT to do this with y’all! And of course I’m excited to give you behind the scenes footage. I’ll be pushing the limits on making that possible, don’t you worry.

This crazy internet journey all started in a Cracker Barrel
in Burleson, Texas. I was a stay at home crying to my Mom about feeling like I
had lost a little bit of myself while raising two small kids with a husband who was in a
Master’s program on the weekends. I needed an outlet.

Enter blog. Enter home renovation. Enter Instagram.

tv show.

I say it all the time and I mean it every time – your support throughout the years has meant more to me than you’ll ever know. Honestly, it’s been life changing for me and my family.

Let’s do this!

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  • Awesome! God has great plans that fall into place just when they are meant to!
    • Yeah!!! OMG!!! I sure hope it’s on a CHANNEL I GET!! Jenn please tell me it’s a channel we can get here in INDIANA!!!??????❤️❤️❤️??????
  • Congratulations!! That's amazing news and I can't wait to tune in! There is no way this show won't be a success! Watch out, Joanna Gaines! ?♥️
  • Thats Amazing! Wow! I am totally going to be watching! And in your spare time come on over here and make my home super gorgeous too! You have become my favorite person to follow, make me laugh, and you have such a great family. Your recommendations are super helpful too. Congrats and wow! All the best on your nee venture in the tv world.
    • OMG!!!I can't wait! Y'all need a tv show.You and Mike are so fun and just try to out silly eaxh other, I love it! #relationshipgoals
  • Wow!! So exciting! Can't wait to hear more and to watch every episode!!!!!
  • I knew it! Congratulations! You are so deserving! You make me laugh every day and I always look forward to seeing you and your beautiful family! All the blessings to you during this exciting time!
  • Omg! This is so dang exciting!!!!!! I can’t wait to tell everyone to watch & how I’ve been following you way before you become a tv star !!!
    • I knew it! So exciting for you and your family!!!
  • OMG congratulations!! I am so excited for you and we’ll me because I get to watch! You crack me up every day and I can’t wait to support you on your journey!
  • Congratulations Jen so happy for you...I knew it was the show....let's hope this thing takes off for you all..
    • Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to watch and will definitely recommend your show to family and friends! Good luck with everything!
  • Gah!!! So excited for you!!! I follow you on instagram and I just love you and your family. That Viv is an absolute doll. Can’t wait to see you on TV!!
  • Congratulations! I'll watch!!! You'll be a hit I have a feeling!
  • This is so awesome! I wish you the best of luck with your journey and thanks for letting us follow along! Can't wait ?
    • OMG..OMG... Congratulations.. you’re going to be awesome ????
  • This is soooooo exciting!!!! I am so happy for you and your family!!!
  • Omg!!! I can’t wait! Hope the show comes out soon as I will be watching while I’m a stay at home momma with a newborn! I love watching you every day on Instagram and secretly wish I could do what you do! I really wanted to start a blog at some point but never sure where to start. I also would love to do my own DIY business but never tried to do anything to start. I’m feeling lost myself and just realized I’m rambling your ear off.....
  • Wow wow wow, so amazing and congratulations! You are hilarious and a joy to follow! Can't wait for the next episode...episode... episode.
  • So. Freaking. Awesome! Congrats lady!
  • Congratulations to you guys. You. Will do great. I can’t wait to watch.
  • Wohoo! Can't wait! I love everything you do!
  • CONGRATULATIONS MA’AM!!!???????Could not be more excited for you and yours!!! Soooo looking forward to the show... here’s to GREAT SUCCESS!!!!’
  • Wow! That’s no exciting!!!! I hope I’ll be able to watch from Canada ??Congratulations!
  • That's so cool! Congrats!
  • Congratulations!!! This is so exciting for you!!! I’ll definitely be excited to watch your show. Praying for all the details getting from here to there. Thanks for your authenticity ❤️!
  • Congratulations! I love watching your Instagram stories and can’t wait to watch your tv show. I think you are hilarious and am so happy I stumbled across your page.
  • Absolutely amazing!! Congratulations!! We can’t wait to see it!!!
  • So incredibly excited for you all!! May the Lord guide you and give you discernment and blessings in all your future endeavors!!! <3
  • So excited for you!!! You have such a positive impact on so many - you guys are hilarious and authentic! So many congratulations!! us AmeriCANs support you!! ?
  • Yay!!!! Congratulations! So happy for you!
  • Wow!!! That is some news!!!! So happy for you and your family. And for us too!!! As we get to see you live and in action! And your kids too!!! Now the world will get to see how truly advanced Vivian really is:)
  • Shut Up!!!!! I can’t even believe it!!!! So pumped! Being an OG I feel like I have been on this journey with you for so long and I am just thrilled for you. Like I’m emotional over it ? congratulations. You deserves this sooooo very much.
  • Wow amazing Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to see what kind of show it will be????
  • This is sooooo exciting!!!!!!
  • AHHHH!!! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see what this new journey has in store for you and your family!! All I can think about is Vivi’s gorgeous little rolls on TV. ??
  • Oh my gosh! So amazing!!! Soooo excited for you!!!
  • Waaahoooooo! This is such awesome news!!! More peeps will be able to enjoy you and your fam! ? So excited for you and this news!!! You go with your funny self! Haha! ??
  • Congrats and how exciting - definitely! deserved! Can't wait to "watch" your process here and then officially on TV!!
  • OMG! Jenn so incredibly happy for you and your family. Can’t wait to see the show. God is good! ?
  • Congratulations! Enjoy following you, love your faith in God and your love for family. You are a wonderful woman, teacher and mother! Good Luck for a wonderful future.
  • I am freaking out with you!!! I just knew it, well wished for this. My family is tired of hearing how hilarious you are-now I’ll get to show them. This could not have happened to a more deserving person. Best of Luck.
  • ??????????????Awesome!!! You work so hard and really deserve this! Way to go!!!!
  • Oh heavens... I can’t wait! Some days, I find the best parts are watching your family and all of your follies! I talk about the rambling redhead all the time! Can’t wait to watch it! ❤️❤️❤️
  • Congratulations Jenn!!! This is so exciting!! Woohoo!! So happy to be cheering you on!! Liz
  • Woohoo!!! Yay! Congratulations!! So happy for you and so proud of you for the community you have built. I've been a fan for almost the beginning and pretend you are my bff ? So awesome for you and your family...and for us ?
  • Oh my worrrrd, this is so awesome!! Cannot wait for it to air eeeek!!
  • Y’all will ROCK a tv show! I can’t wait to see it!
  • Congrats! This is so exciting and you’re going to be great!! Just be yourself and it will be a success! I feel blessed that I can see how this all unfolds from the beginning (well kind of). You have so many people who love you and your family. Now, this broadens for you! This opportunity reminds me of the prayer of Jabez: 1 Chronicles 4:10 New International Version (NIV) “Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.” God is enlarging your territory. Please let Him lead you!
    • Love this!! What a great perspective. ??
  • I’m so stoked for you and can’t wait to watch it all unfold!!! I just know it’s going to be a hit!!!
  • I knew it! I’m so excited to watch. Being a stay at home mom with three kiddos myself your stories give me comic relief during a hectic day. Can’t wait to watch your going to be amazing !!!
  • Ahhhh! I can ? not ? wait? to see this unfold!! So excited for your family!! (And for the entertainment to come!!) ?
  • This is incredible!! You deserve it, you definitely bring the happy to so many. Congratulations!!
  • Yay! You deserve all good things! I’m excited to watch whenever it’s out!
  • Congratulations! So excited for you!
  • OMG!!! So incredibly excited!!! Congratulations!!! I can't wait!!!
  • Congratulations Jenn! Can't wait! OMGosh..you are the best!
  • Wow so exciting. Can not wait to watch. Congratulations!!! Those kids are so fun!!
  • This is so awesome!! I'm so excited for you and for me! I feel like we are all friends here and I'm so grateful you've shared your life and family in such a fun, entertaining and real way! Cannot wait for the show!!! Congrats!
  • Hope I can see it on Hulu!!!
  • This is so exciting! I am so excited for you and your family. Can't wait to watch!
  • Congratulations! You are so funny and so real...just keep doing your "thang" and I'm sure it will be a success! Stay in God's word and let Him guide you.
  • So pumped! I’ve so enjoyed following you through the years. You always give a good laugh and keep things real girl.
  • Omg... I’m so excited for you! Congratulations!!!
  • Shut the front door!!!’ Congratulations. You my dear will be a blessing and an inspiration to many. May God go before you and clear the way!
  • I'm so happy to be in on this and for YOU! I love your family, your dedication to being you, your humor, and your Christ centered attitude! You are one heck of a mommy & wife! You're gonna kill this!!!
    • Thank you so much! You are too sweet :)
  • Congratulations - so excited for you! I am excited to watch your show when it comes out. You are real in every way, making me laugh and bringing joy and happiness to those that follow you.
  • This is so cool! Congrats on this awesome news! You are going to do great and I can’t wait to watch. You remind me of a modern day Lucille Ball anyway!
  • Congrats Jen and Mike!! If you need a house to rennovate, I live in the same town and Mike and I used to work together... Just sayin ? Can't wait to see you on the big screen!
  • Yes! Yes! Yes!!! You had me at "ear wax candle" several years ago! Soooo funny!! Can you and Mike bring back Winesday Wednesday's too?! Congrats! You'll do great and we'll all be loving it!!!
  • Yes! Yes! Yes!!! You had me at "ear wax candle" several years ago! Soooo funny!! Can you and Mike bring back Winesday Wednesday's too?! Congrats! You'll do great and we'll all be loving it!!!
  • Congrats Mike and Jen!!! Of you need a house to rennovate, I live in the same town and Mike and I used to work together! Just saying... ? Can't wait to see you on the big screen!!
  • Congratulations!! So happy for you! You will do so well with a show!! Can’t wait to watch!!
  • YAY!!! This is SO exciting!! It will be great,just like you! You are my favorite person in the IG world! I love listening/watching daily, in fact, I cannot wait to watch every morning, evening, lunch time...best of luck on this endeavor! You and your family are simply wonderful! God bless!
  • Congratulations!! So excited for you and the family!! Can’t hardly wait! God Blessed ya’ll!!❤️
  • OMGosh!!!! Congrats!!! I'm so happy for you!! Can NOT wait to watch!
  • I am beyond happy for you. You will be great at this!!! Can't wait.
  • Congratulations! Congratulations! (In your redhead good morning voice!!!). So happy for you! I truly enjoy your take on life! Best wishes!❤️
  • Not sure any of us could be more excited for you!!! Eek!!! I know I cannot wait for that first episode to air...geez what will I have to eat/drink? Coffee, wine, snacks...must start planning. So happy for you Jennifer. Amazing things happen to beautiful people. ♥️
  • Congratulations! Congratulations! (In your rambling redhead “good morning” voice). I love your take on life. Best Wishes!❤️
  • Sooo happy for you and your family. Can’t wait to dvr and watch it ;)
  • Congratulations!!! I cannot wait to watch - your IG posts make my day and I think the country needs to meet you & your wonderfully funny, sweet and uplifting family!!! Your Good Morning Good Morning's gout me thru a few tough weeks this summer after knee surgery - thank you!!! Cant wait to see your smile on my TV!!
  • I knew it!!! You’re the highlight of my Instagram day (& I’m sure for all who follow you)! Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to see where you go from here! YAY!!!!
  • Congrats & What a nice way to live. Being filmed doing what you do best & then shaabammm it turns into a tv show. Congrats girl I just cannot think of anyone else so witty Id rather watch on tv other than you!!! I'm an OG so I'll be here for the success & supporting you all the way!!!
  • Jen This is AMAZING, WONDERFUL, AND AWESOME!!! Youll do amazing on a TV show! I have been following you since my almost 3 yearold was born. I think like forever ago❤ God has blessed you to impact others lives! Have fun with it girl and YOU ROCK!
  • So happy for you! You are the only IG person I follow that I actually like to get on and actually watch (not just look at the home pics), so this makes me super happy! You have the cutest little family! ? Can’t wait to see you on TV!
    • Thank you so much Tonya! It means a TON! :)
  • This is just so exciting and SO deserved! I'm fairly certain I am partially responsible for your popularity as I have followed you forever on IG and have likely told 1 million people to follow you. I'm not sure how many of that million listened, but I think its a lot. You're welcome. Seriously though, I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND CAN HARDLY WAIT! CONGRATS! It's going to be great!
  • RR On Demand! Oh my goodness! Humor, honesty, and home reno in (at least) 30 min segments! I can hardly wait! So excited for you...well, really me and 1000s of your fans.
  • Jenn, wow, just WOW..I am so happy,excited and thrilled for you!! Congratulations, this is AWESOME NEWS. You are going to kill it. Keep doing YOU. Daneen
  • I am so incredibly excited for you ❤️ I can't wait to follow you on this journey of television fame❣️
  • Congratulations! I am so excited for you and your family!
  • Congratulations! So excited for your next adventure! Can’t wait to see it.
  • So freakin’ excited for you! Your my fav and just know your going to be even more amazing to watch on TV!! Keep doing what your doing cause we all love you, Mike and you cute lil family!! Gods got this!! ??
  • Not kidding when just earlier this week, I was thinking how great you guys would be on YOUR OWN TV SHOW!!! I almost messaged you just to say how strongly I was feeling this. Pretty crazy, huh?!?? I KNOW!!! :) I. Am. So. Stinking. Excited - for all of us who need their daily dose of Jenn...and for your PRECIOUS family!!!
    • Thank you so much Karin!! :) We are super excited as well!
  • So excited for you! I look forward to your stories nightly and now a TV show!!!! Shut the front door!!!
  • I just hope you throw in some hot dog videos into the show. By the way, it’s been a long time. Please do another soon. Love ya.
  • I don't think it would make a difference what u did I would probably still be ur biggest hugest fan of all time. So don't u worry as soon as u pass on the info it will most definitely be on my dvr
  • I’m so stinkin excited for you!! I can hardly wait to watch all the ramblings of my favorite redhead. WOW you go girl!!! ❤️
  • Wow! So happy for y’all! Can’t wait!
  • Wow!!! So amazing!!! Definitely will be tuning into that channel more than I already do ? congratulations to you and the family. What a blessing
  • Whoa whoa whoa!!! That is so amazing and it truly couldn’t have happened to a sweeter family! Totally incredible. Praying the Lord directs your path through this process, that your family has a joy-filled experience through it all and that your infectious humor, kindness and joy will reach bazillions of people!
  • This is awesome and a BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND MIKE!!!! I love checking in everyday to see what’s happening with you all. You have a great family and you are all so funny. Much success to you and Mike and God Bless you all!!!!!
  • OMG!! That is the most exciting news. I am so happy for you and your family. You will be great. I can’t wait to watch. If it’s anything like your IG stories everyone will love it. Break a leg. That’s what they say in showbiz. ?
  • Wow! I don’t even know how I stumbled across your Instagram a year ago (someone probably recommended you) but I have watched you just about everyday! You crack me up and I cannot WAIT to watch your show! Congratulations!! Well deserved!
  • So excited for you and Mike and the kids!! Couldn’t of happened to a nicer family. I check in everyday to see what’s going on, gotta get my fix?. Much success and God Bless you, Mike and your children.
  • You go girl! Happy for you and your family. May God protect this new adventure.
  • This is going to be great! So exciting! Congrats!
  • I am officially dead. You and your amazing family on TV is the greatest thing EVER!!!
  • How did you NOT say ANYTHING for over a year!? I can’t even. CONGRATULATIONS!
  • Oh my goodness!!! I'm in Idaho will we be able to watch it somehow??? I'm so happy for you!!
  • Congratulations ? I love real TV. Definitely will watch.
  • Yaaaasssss! You will do great Jenn! You are hilarious and your family is adorable. Mike too. ? Tell him to grow his beard back, though. ?
  • So excited for you & your fam ANNNND all of us who get to enjoy watching this! You keep it real...real funny & real life! We love you!! (Why am I suddenly speaking for all your viewers?? I don’t know? Probably because I know that “we” absolutely love you & can’t wait to see you crush this!!!) Many prayers for a super successful & joy-filled new experience. ??
    • Thank you so much Paige!! :) You are so sweet!
  • Omg I’m so excited to watch the show! You are absolutely amazing and you will do wonderful! Im going to be like one of those bachelor nuts when your show airs! ??? way to go Jenn I’m so stinking excited!!!
  • This is so amazing and I am SO happy for you! Idk how it's possible to be this happy for someone I've never met (but follow on IG on the regular).. but here we are. Super excited to watch you grow from Instagram and now to our living room television. You're going to shine!! PS-Would you be able to sneak in your fucci belt in the background of a shot for your IG followers? Please and thank you!
  • I am so stinking happy for you! I always look forward to your daily posts and now I can see you on tv!!!! Yay, so proud of you! Way to go girl and I’ll be one of your biggest fans! Can’t wait!
  • Amazing!!! So excited I'm gonna have my friends and family DVR for me because I dont have cable TV or DVR! I'll make it happen tho. Congrats girl! Love this fam!
  • So excited for you. We’ve been pitched to HGTV once before and magnolia Network. We actually are being pitched again next week at the green light meeting. It’s such a long process and I’ve learned just to let go with it all. Me too, I lost myself as a mom started IG as an outlet with our farmhouse build and a book deal and pitching to tv two years later. Just trying to see where the Lord opens doors. I’m like you, if it works out great. If not it doesn’t. Anyway Jen! I’ve been a fan since your 25k days and will be Fan long past! I can’t wait to see our modern day Lucy rock it!! Congrats!
  • OMG!!! You will kill it! I WILL be sure to watch! For real though Congratulations, you deserve it. I wake up Everday drinking my coffee and watching you. It makes me laugh and that's one of my best ways to start my day. I LoVe watching your beautiful children grow and of course Mike as well. JUST SO EXCITED TO WATCH!
  • Congratulations can't wait to watch it!
  • This is so awesome! ? I am so excited right along with you! Can’t wait to see the show!! (Jumping up and down!!) You will do awesome as you always do!! I am hoping it is on HGTV!!?.
  • I've got goosebumps right now thinking how you and Mike are about to start a most amazing journey! An uberly successful couple had this sign in their kitchen as a daily reminder and it always struck me how important they made their relationship with each other no matter what else was happening in this lives: "No success outside of the home will ever compensate for failure in the home."
  • This is awesome, I remember my friend told me one day, "you have to watch this lady in Instagram, she is real and hilarious" so I did. You are amazing and you have a beautiful family, you guys are real and hilarious. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your world! So excited about your new TV show, your very deserving!!
  • Omg!! So exciting! I cannot wait to watch. You are among the very best parts of my day; I love your humor and your genuine kindness. Congratulations!!!
  • Jen, I’m so excited for you!!! Your daily posts are what I look forward to most on social media. Some days I go on Instagram just to check out your stories alone . I”ve Been following you for a long time watching your family grow, taking part in your decorating and shopping recommendations (love all of my artificial plants, and the most comfortable sneakers and Old Navy comfys, thanks to you) and love your uplifting daily Humor. My 86 year old mom loves you too! Congrats on this next adventure, Hopefully it will be a Morning program so your intro can be “Good Morning, Good Morning” LOL
  • I’m so happy for you and your family!!! We’re screaming with excitement with you!!! God bless you all and this wild adventure!♥️
  • Congrats Jenn! You are so deserving...how you do all you do and making it look so easy is always so fun to watch!! Can’t wait to see you and the fam on TV SOON! Good Luck❣️?????
  • Congratulations!!! I totally called it on IG today! Can’t even wait to watch your show ?
  • Congratulations Jen!!!! I can’t wait to watch you on tv! You crack me up every single time! I just love how you say “good morning, good morning! Good luck and I know you will do great! Love you and your family!?
  • This is AWESOME news!! Your blog is one of my favorite daily events I love to catch up with “what Jen is doing today”! Congratulations and Yay Us!! Can’t wait to see your TV show! Yes, I’ll DVR it! Thanks to you and Mike for agreeing to share your lives with us.
    • Thank you!! :) We are so excited!
  • You are hilarious, and you have a beautiful family. My daughter looks so much like you.God has big plans for you. Congratulations!
  • I have always said you’re a modern day Lucille Ball with good taste in home decor! We’ll be watching! And praying for favor and wisdom!! You go, girl!!
  • This is so exciting!!!?? I’m so happy for you! As part of your first following from Facebook, I have enjoyed every bit you have put out into the internets. I can always count on you and your Insta stories to make me giggle or make me feel like a “normal” mom raising “normal” little beasts. ? Thank you for all you do! I. Can. Not. Wait. To. Watch! I’m cheering for you, girl! ??????
  • Whaaaaaaat?! This is the best new EVAR! I don’t have cable, so can you talk to your peeps about making sure Hulu picks it up. Thanks ? This is banana’s and I CANNOT WAIT to watch!!!
  • Congratulations on your tv show can't wait to watch!!! God bless you and your family!!!
  • You are perfect for the part since you have been living it and we have been watching you as you share your family, life, and made us laugh.
  • Love it!! You go girl!!
  • Say WHAT???!! How AWESOME!! Can’t wait!!
  • Oh my gosh, this is the best news! Congratulations!!! I’m so excited to see the show!
  • Yay!!! I hope it’s as successful as your Instagram account has become....really hope there’s a way for your ??Fans to watch too? Well done Jenn Xx
  • Oh my gosh I am so stinking excited for you. I love to laugh and you crack me up all the time. You are a ray of sunshine I look forward to everyday. May God continue to bless your life.
  • Huge CONGRATULATIONS! Can't wait to watch!
  • Totally tuning in
  • Best news ever!!! So happy for you ?
  • Congratulations!! This all makes sense and I am so looking forward to watching.
  • OMGAWWWD! I’m so excited for you. I said to my hubby that’s the Good Morning girl you always hear!! Best of luck to you on this journey - God cover you and your family with health, love, joy and much prosperity. Can’t wait to see your show!
  • OMG!!!! GIRL I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! ?????? this is simply perfection!!! May God continue to guide through this journey. I love see the sunshine of His spirit shine through you and your family! Much Love!!! ~renayandjoshplusourtribe
    • You're too sweet! Thank you so much!
  • Omg I am so excited! You and your family are hilarious and you give such good advice and tips. Happy for you.
  • Congratulations! Continued success! Love u on IG can't wait to see you on TV!!!
  • Soooo excited for you!!! Wow!! I cannot wait to watch!! I hope it will be available on Hulu/network site etc or somewhere online streaming bc we havn’t had cable tv or anything comparable for 12 years. ?????? Good luck! I love watching your ramblings every day!
  • I can not wait to watch! So happy and exciting for you, your family, and all of us die hard Instagram followers! May God bless you and lead you!
  • Congratulations Jen! This is so exciting. I can’t wait to follow you on this journey.
  • HOW. COOL. IS. THAT!! Congratulations! I will definitely be watching ?
  • Oh my goodness! I’m so excited for you! I was just thinking, the other day, that I should be watching you on TV ?. Now I can!!! Yay, congratulations ❤️
  • That’s amazing - Huge congrats!!! Please ask them to show in Australia- we’d love it ?
  • Oh. My. Goodness. This will be the Best Show Ever!!!!! Cannot wait for this! So excited for you and your precious family!
  • You deserve it! You are funny adorable relatable charismatic and nuts at the same time! Exactly what motherhood should be! Congrats!!!
  • I am beyond excited for you!! I love watching you already, now we get to see more of you & your family!!
  • OMG, I’m so happy & proud of Jen. I’ll be watching your show for sure!! I’ve been following u for the longest time on IG , CONGRATULATIONS ?
  • I'll tape it, play it back, watch every show!! So happy for you!!
  • Fantastic Awesome Amazing!!! I can't wait to follow along. You are gonna ROCK IT!!!
  • This is so, so exciting! I look forward to watching your stories at the end of a long day because they’re so real and hilarious! Can’t wait for this! Cheering you on!!! Go get it girl!
  • So exciting!! I can’t wait to watch. Your videos and stories make my day!!!
  • This news is so awesome! If anyone can pull this off it’s YOU. I can’t wait to follow along with your new endeavor. You will be amazing.
  • all of us need this refreshing breath of air that you are! you literally make me laugh out daily. Congratulation to a beautiful person xoxoxo
  • Gurlllll! This is life. Your life!!!!! *tears of joy streaming down her face* you deserve this. God is good. ? enjoy the ride - can't wait to watch you inspire more women on your journey ??
  • Woohoo! So very exciting! Congratulations!!!
  • I’m so super excited for you all! My best friend’s name is Jen and also has red hair and is also married to a guy named Mike. I’m always telling her I wish she had social media so she could follow you two. Now she can actually get to see you without Instagram! Happy Dance! You guys are my favorite Instagram family and I can’t wait to watch you on my big screen!
  • OMG ? Congrats and I seriously cannot wait to see it!!! The world needs more RAMBLING REDHEAD ??
  • What the what!?!? Get it girl!!!! This is so exciting!!!!
  • This is so exciting! Congratulations! Cannot wait to watch your show! My bestie and I love your insta stories and are constantly dm'ing them to each other! Best of luck, I'm sure the show will be a hit!
  • Please please please send me info to when where date and channel to watch you . Love love love you !! Congrats!! So so happy for you all ???♥️????I’m from Toronto,Canada will it be a available to us here?
  • OMG Jen!!!! I’m soooo excited for you and your family. I literally laugh out loud at some of your posts. You guys totally crack me up. I absolutely love your decorating style and can’t wait for your TV show!! You have a beautiful family and I want to wish you the best of luck!
  • You are going to kill it! I’m thrilled for you and can’t wait to see the show. Finally, a down to Earth gal that will show life as it really is without a major PG rating. You got this Girl!
  • Amazing news!!! I literally tell everyone about you and pretty much force them to follow you so they can also fall in love! I'm so excited for you!
  • Congratulations!! I’m so excited for your family and for me!! I can’t wait to watch your show!! I know it will be incredible, just like you!!
  • So excited to see it!! As someone who feels like they’ve lost a little of themselves being a full time mom, you’re an inspiration. Congrats!!
  • Congratulations girlie,you deserve this,I truly look forward to watching you and your family daily, excited to see what's coming!!
  • So excited for you and your family!! I absolutely love watching your stories so I cannot wait for the show!! Congratulations!!
  • Cheering you on girl!! So excited for this opportunity and that you will get to share the gift of you and your family with so many people! So fun!! Congratulations! ?❤️
  • That’s so awesome Jennifer! I’m very happy for you and your family. I didn’t start following you until a few months ago and I’m so glad that I found you on Instagram. I look forward to seeing you and your little family every day. You’re so down to earth, beautiful, have an amazing humor side, your husband is hilarious (he literally makes me ? lol), and your children are just too cute. I believe that everything happens for a reason and our lives are already planned out by God himself. We do have the power to change things for the better of course, and some choose poorly unfortunately, but we are all here for a reason. God has chosen you to do so many great things and I’m glad to be able to see you on your journey. Congratulations on the television show. I pray that everything works out according to God’s will (which I believe is going to be a HIT). You’re awesome girl! Thank you for sharing your crazy life with all of us! ❤️
  • Congratulations, so exciting! Can’t wait to see it.
  • Congrats!!!
  • Woo hoo!!!! You will be a star, I know it!! I'll be watching!!
  • Such amazing news!!! Wishing you all the best - can’t wait . Please keep us posted. Thanks for sharing. ??❤️??
  • I'm so happy for you and your family. You have shared so many different things both kid and not kid related that have helped me (and I'm a "seasoned" mom). Can't wait to see what you share with us.
  • Congratulations!! I haven’t watched you very long, but you’re so really with every day life and it’s funny. Love you're stories and little family. God Bless all that you put your hand to do.
  • Congratulations! You are a natural and very entertaining! Look forward to hearing more details. Best wishes and don't let fame change a thing! :-)
  • I tried yesterday to tell you how excited I am for you guys. This is great. Can’t wait to hear more about this.
  • Ahhhhh congratulations!!!! That is so awesome!! So happy for you and your beautiful family!!
  • I’m so excited for you & your family! I can’t wait till your tv show airs?
  • I’m so excited to watch! Congratulations ?
  • As a grandma to 9 it’s refreshing to hear your take on raising littles. You are funny and wise beyond your years in taking this approach to what can be a daunting task of raising children and still smiling through it all. Good luck and I looked forward to seeing all the craziness unfold before our eyes.
    • Thank you Sherrie!! It means so much ♥️
  • I’m so excited!!!
  • So glad to finally be able to read your blog post! And such exciting news it is!!! Your little family has blessed me more than you know and I'm just so dang happy for you guys! Much love for SoCal. ?
  • This is amazing news! I can’t wait to watch the show! Congratulations, you deserve this!!!
  • That is awesome! I will DEFENTILY be watching! You're awesome!! Good luck and God bless!!
  • You’re amazing & fun loving! I hope I get what ever channel it is to watch it!! Congratulations you deserve this!!
  • This news is fantastic! Congratulations and best of luck!!!
  • I’m so incredibly happy for you!!!! Well-deserved!!! I’ll watch every day! ?
  • I am the most excited about this as I watch your Instagram stories several times a day to get me excited about life! Your mindset that everything happens the way it’s meant to and that your job is to enjoy life and share it is the perfect recipe for this kind of success. Yay you!
  • This is so freaking awesome, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You and your family are already more entertaining than anything I watch on tv, so I can’t wait! Couldn’t have happened to anyone more deserving ♥️
  • Congratulations!!! This is so exciting, I can’t wait!
  • Congratulations!! I am so happy for you..what a dream and so perfect for you! Enjoy the the days to come, super fantastic!!!!!
  • This is so exciting!!! I cannot wait to tune in and will definitely DVR when I can't and binge watch on the weekends! I admire you so much because I have a small home probably the size of your bathroom (lol) Just kidding but it's not much bigger and a 7 & 10 year old and I cannot fathom how you do all that you do!!! I am struggling, I could never raise 3 small kiddos, have my own blog, coffee shop, home school, etc... and now a TV show to top it all off....WOW!! I have NEVER followed anyone on social media but I stumbled upon you somehow on Instagram and I don't feel like my day is complete if I haven't had my rambling redhead update! I cannot imagine your TV show NOT being a huge hit!! Best of luck on this new journey.
  • This is so exciting. I’m so happy for you and I can’t wait to tune in. You and your family are one of my favorites on Instagram.
  • Congratulations! I am so happy for you Jenn. You deserve to be on a TV show. You make me laugh everyday and I hope you are successful with your show. I can’t wait to see you on TV. I believe I am as excited as you are!
    • This is not going to fail. You're the only human I actually look forward to watching on IG stories. I will watch guinea pigs munching on carrots and jumping over twigs over EVERYONE else.
  • This is the best news!! You are so naturally talented in so many ways and SO incredibly entertaining. I love laughing along with you every day. Can’t wait to see your show. You make life better by sharing what’s real. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Omgosh this is so awesome!! I am so happy for you!!! I cant wait to watch! It is going to be perfection!! You and Mike are so dang funny!! And your style and how you design is on point!! So this will be so good!!
  • Congratulations to you and your family! It’s well deserved ! God bless!
    • Good luck, I just love watching you. My boys are grown, but I sure remember the struggles. Every time I talk about your blog, my husband tells me. “I have my own ramblingredhead, one is enough “. From one redhead to another, I wish you all the best!!!
  • Congrats Jenn! I have no doubt whatsoever that it will be a huge hit - you were made for TV!
  • Hey Jenn. very exciting about your show! You have a beautiful family, and I know i'll be watching! But I've emailed you 4 times and dm's you and haven't gotten a reply? What's your email again. It's some sweet mother advice needed!!!
  • Congratulations Jenn, this is really wonderful for you and your beautiful whanau (Maori for family) and I so hope we get to see all your hilarious amazingness here in Auckland New Zealand ??!xx
  • I have no doubt this will be the most entertaining TV show ever. Congratulations !!! I'm on board.
  • Woo friggin’ hoo!!! Awesome news!! ???
  • Honestly, there’s is no one more suitable for a tv show than you! You and your family’s humour is always something I can count on to brighten up my day! I can’t wait to watch you show!
  • I could not be more excited for you! I'm so freaking excited! I will watch every episode, more than once, I promise! Congratulations Jenn!
  • Omg!!! Congratulations!!! This is amazing!! You guys deserve it all... can’t wait to watch your show!!
  • Congratulations!! That is so amazing and well deserved! I have only just started following you and I am already a huge fan! Best of luck to you and all you do!!
  • Congratulations! I know this is going to be awesome!
  • This is sooooo awesome Jen!!! I think I guessed it— yeah, I am pretty sure you’re going to be on BRAVO—- riiiight?!? I guessed it huh!!! You’re gonna be Real Housewives of.... right? Right?!? ????. Can’t wait til you can spill the beans. How exciting — looking forward to watching!
    • Congratulations Jenn! What an amazing journey, you will do great- no doubt about that! Everytime I watch your IG stories I think to myself “ this lady should have her own TV show”. ?????? So excited for you!
  • We are so super happy for you Jenn! I can’t wait to watch!
  • This is going to be AWESOME! I can’t WAIT for all the fun...and it will definitely be fun...?
  • I'm sooo happy for you and your family!!! Congrats!!! Big question,, Will Enrique be a cast member???‍♀️?
  • Un-frikken believable!!! Congratulations! Soooo deserving-it’ll be huge! Soooooo happy for all of you❤️❤️❤️
  • I’m so happy for you!! ???? I am also glad that you will still be on Instagram, as I don’t have regular television and most likely will not be able to view your show.
  • Not to be melodramatic, but I will NEVER MISS AN EPISODE!!!!! This is HUGE. Have so much fun!!
  • Every day I tell my hubby, "I gotta watch Jennifer and see what she's up to today...She should have a t.v. show" Prayers answered ?? Congratulations and we'll all be watching. So excited for you.
  • YAY!!! Congratulations!! Can't Wait!!!
  • My 30 year old daughter told me one day about you and how I would love your stories even though I don't have any small children anymore. She mentioned your"Good Morning " shout-out everyday that she starts her day with. I started following you about 7 months ago and have to admit you are my guilty pleasure because I sit way to long with you ? Cannot wait for your ? show! Clearly God is blessing your family and enjoy seeing what He is doing!!!!!
  • Oh my goodness!!!! This is the greatest news. I’ll start watching TV again to laugh and learn with all of you. Congratulations!!!!
  • Congratulations.. I love you, you make me laugh every day.
  • I’m so excited for you and your awesome family. From one redhead to another enjoy every step every day, because we know everything can change in a breath. Enjoy! Because we sure will.
  • I heard about you on Instagram and love you and your family. Love all the adventures with your kids...love seeing a happy marriage on the internet too... the love abounds! God bless! More Christians doing their thing so the whe world can see. Loving it!
  • What an exciting time for you!! Wishing you all the best and can't wait to be on this journey with you! ??❣❣
  • About Time! So freakin excited for you and your family! I've been here since your very first live on fb.....you gotta fan! We love you girl
  • I’m so excited! Probably more excited than I have been for any show to air on tv before. I homeschool too. It can be hazard just doing that and incorporating all the daily errands around school time. I love everything you include in your blog. Soooooo much information. I don’t know where you find the time. Yes I do.... moms don’t sleep. You have super powers, for sure... and are super efficient. I love how you share tips and deals. Wait, let me say that again... I LOVE how you share tips and deals!!! I’ve never stuck with a blog this long before, but.... Hello, hello, helloooooo! Yours is amaze-balls!!!! Keep it up, and I CANNOT wait for the TV show too!!
  • This is so incredibly exciting! You are BY FAR my favorite blogger i follow on instagram & I will absolutely be keeping an eye for details for your show and to show support for you!! good luck to you and your family!
  • I am so very happy for you. I look forward to your blog AND Now your new tv show. You have the cutest kids and always talk about interesting stuff. You seem real and down to earth unlike some other bloggers. Congratulations.!
  • Congratulations! So happy & excited for you! Will be looking forward to watching your show!
  • This is beyond exciting!! Can not wait to set my Dvr and watch. You are so inspiring in all you do but I admire you most watching you with your family and how funny and goofy you all can be and just have fun! I am a stay at homeschool mom of 3 girls and with 2 of them being teens my days stay pretty serious more times than not. But I cant wait to see your life continue to be blessed and you blessing us with all you share the future has to be super bright!! ???❤❤❤❤??????
  • So excited. You’ll do great... i cut cable so I won’t get the live show on that big network that we can’t talk about... but I can watch re-runs.. you bring a smile everyday on stories and those kids!!! Congrats!
  • Sometimes we stumble upon someone that unknowingly and unintentionally is clearing the dark clouds from our rainy skies. You are my rainbow Jen ! I don't think anyone else on Instagram is more deserving than you and your family for this opportunity. You are genuine. Just keep on being Y O U ! That beautiful gift and that beautiful hair !!! Best of Luck to you all ! You're going to be amazing.
  • CONGRATULATIONS! This is so awesome and I can hardly wait to see you on the boob tube (wait, does anyone say that anymore or am I showing my age via keyboard?) You and Mike are one funny duo and the kiddos are just icing on the cake, especially Von! Whatever it is, it's going to be entertaining for sure. ?
  • So excited for yall!! Ive been watchin since lil Von picked his nose making Christmas cookies for the neighbors! Keep it real, be you, cannot wait to watch!!
  • So excited for yall!! Ive been watchin since lil Von picked his nose making Christmas cookies for the neighbors! Keep it real, be you, cannot wait to watch!!
  • I am so excited about this for you. You are my daily entertainment. Just need cameras in your house 24/7 !!...sorry. lol All I can say is I better be able to watch this from the UK otherwise I will not be happy . Good luck to you and your family x
  • So exiting!!!! If it is HGTV I will be happy! Things have not been the same for me since Ship and Joanna Gaines left the network, Ship is as funny and as redhead as you ?
  • I was a young mom many years ago in Burleson, Tx. raising our 2 girls! Good luck on your show! I’ll be watching ?
  • I am soooooo Jazzed about this... I cannot wait... My cheap-a$$ hubby will not let us get cable, but we do have the ##TV app on our tv's and watch it ALL. THE. TIME. I cannot say how much I am looking forward to this... I love you and your family so much you make me laugh EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I need that... you have no idea... I laugh because I can so relate.... Like today's Vacation Poop -- every day -- 1/2 hr minimum, that guy! Amazing.... my legs would not function if I sat there that long... anyway... love you -- you are amazing -- and you just keep doing what you're doing and being you.
  • Jenn this is HUGE!! Congratulations!! I'm thinking HGTV(wink wink) I can't wait to see what the future holds for you?
  • Oh my goodness. Oh Vivi, your so darn cute. Von and Berkeley are getting so big. Now more followers are sure to come. I am glad I found you and your family. Always great content. You always have all the things. Good luck. ?
  • I'm beyond excited for this! I look forward to your stories everyday!! I just recently got married and your relationship with Mike reminds me A LOT of how I am with my husband!!! I can't wait to tune in soon and REALLY make him watch all the antics on TV - not just on my iPhone :)
  • Your new show is exceptional!! I love it! I've been watching HGTV for years and already can't get enough of your show. Hope it's renewed for many, many seasons. You are hilarious, too. much love and appreciation from the napa valley!!
  • I love, love your show on HGTV!! I even enjoy watching your reruns over and over, I always find something new. Are you coming back with new episodes this year?
  • I hope there is a season 4 to the show.

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