About Jennifer Todryk
Hey there! I’m Jenn.

Things get a little loud and chaotic over here from time to time. I blame the three child beasts ... and Mike is loud too. But, I hope to bring you nothing but happiness, inspiration, good home decor and only the comfiest clothing recommendations because, who really enjoys pants .... ? And most importantly a good laugh. I hope you laugh a lot… even if it’s at my expense.

- Jennifer
May 17, 2018 | Motherhood

He or She, What Will Bonus Baby Be…..?!

by Jennifer

Thank you all for being patient while I try to fix technical issues (that still aren’t entirely fixed…) Time for our gender reveal!

If you missed our big bonus baby announcement, you can read it HERE.

IT’S A…….






We are SO pumped about having another “sister child”! I don’t know how the roof won’t blow off the top of this house with more attitude crammed within these walls but we are excited! Three girls versus two men… and just like that, the ladies have taken ovaaaaaaaa.
Not that we needed a higher head count to dominate, but as the saying goes, there is strength in numbers 😉

We told the kids about sweet chicken nugget (I call my kids chickens, something my sister in law started saying and for some reason it won’t leave my head now, so naturally this unborn babe is our chicken nugget) and while Berkley was elated about more pink being added to the household, Von cried very loud tears over his celebratory cupcake. He felt like he was robbed of a brother and told us that he would only call the new baby his brother forever. He was in complete denial. And pissed.

However, about ten minutes later his attitude changed once he found out that he was forever going to be the only “man” and “protector” of the Todryk clan. He now takes having TWO sisters very seriously and can’t wait for someone to bully them so he will have permission to push them (lol). Von is not an aggressive child by any means so we shall see if he ever pushes anyone when put up to the test. For now, he likes to feel big and bad just like a big brother should.


We have one but Mike isn’t 100% sold on it yet so I just have to keep working on him. We will be announcing that closer to birth time.

As far as my birth plan goes…

I’ve had a natural birth that almost took place in the passengers side of my husband’s Jeep Grand Cherokee and I’ve had a birth with a beautiful thing called an epidural.

With this birth I shall be camped out in a hotel across from the hospital for the last month of pregnancy and I will be demanding all drugs.

The one time you need to be saying yes to drugs, ladies, is while pushing a human out of your lady bits.

Trust me.

Until the next time this Redhead rambles.

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  • Ooooh congrats! Here it's a boy, and the big sister wasn't very elated either - she wanted a sister. But now she's come to terms with it. Especially since she's learnt that little boys have a tendency to pee on their parents during diaper change. Apparently she cannot wait for me or her dad to be peed on. Oh well...
  • Congratulations! I am very happy for you guys!
  • Woohoo!! Congrats Todryks!! So excited for you all!! Much love to all of you!!
  • I guessed right!!! Congratulations to you and your family....praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy
  • Congratulations!!! Girl clothes are so much more fun anyways!!
  • Congratulations! All the best for your family!
  • Congratulations on the nugget!