It’s that time again, LOVE DAY! I know people feel differently about this holiday, some live for it while others (like myself) tell their spouses to chill on gifts and keep it small! I do love going out to dinner at a nice restaurant, but as far as expensive gifts… I’d rather receive something practical!
So below I have linked up some of my favorite Amazon items (for quick delivery ;)) as well as given you a few small (some are funny) gift ideas for the special guy in your life!
Women’s Valentines Gift Guide!
These can be for any woman in your life! Best friend, girlfriend, wife, yourself! I’ve included my favorite newest mascara find, the best LuLuLemon yoga pant dupes, my favorite Adidas shoe and a couple of other random items.

Over sized Hoodie | Never Have I Ever | Skin-food Face Mask | Arm Pillow | Small Gold Hoops | Sunglasses | Wallet | You are a Badass! | Handheld Makeup Plate | Maneater Mascara | Earring Cuff | Leggings | Stud Earring Pack | Speaker | Etsy Illustration | Adidas Shoes |Makeup Palette Holder | Dry Shampoo | To Go Mug | Poo-Pourri | My Book!! | Makeup Case
Men’s Valentines Gift Guide!
I always feel like shopping for men on Valentine’s Day is weird… like, is it a women’s holiday or do the men need something too? I always get Mike a card, he’s a card kind of guy, and usually pair it with his favorite snack and a couple of small random funny things!
Can we discuss the Toilet Tag though?… Y’all… so so fun! Mike and I have this and it has been so fun! You go back and forth filling in pages, answering questions, and reading your significant others responses all while using the potty… so funny!

Funny Hand Sanitizer | MVMT Watch | Whiskey Wedge | Minimalist Wallet | Toilet Tag | Star Wars Mug | Yeti Travel Mug | Soap on a Rope | Socks | Spicy Chocolate | Snack Bars | Travel Espresso Maker |
Kids Valentines Ideas!
These journals are ADORABLE and would make such a cute Valentine’s Day gift! Daughter and son options available, you take turns writing back and forth, answering questions and drawing random things and best part is that it makes an awesome keepsake once it’s completed! I can’t wait to start these with Von and Berkley!

Hope y’all have a GREAT week and an awesome Valentine’s Day, whatever that looks like for your family!